
On the left hand side of the page, you will see a list of links under 'Blogrolls'. These are the list of first year blogs. You can set up your own blogroll by going to Bloglines and creating an account, then typing in the addresses of the blogs you are interested in to see on one page whenever new posts are made to those blogs.

You can then add that blogroll to your blog like I have by going to the control panel (logging in at then hitting on edit settings -> then Template. Scroll down the page of code ( in the white box) until you see an area with the heading 'begin sidebar'. If you want to place your own blogroll here, then a link at bloglines called 'share' will create the code you need to paste in here. If you want to put the list of wits blogs from my page in, insert this code:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=" year 2006"></script>

You can click on preview to see what changes your editing has made, and when you are happy you can save your template, now when you load your blog you should see the list of links down your sidebar that will update as new sites are added to my list.
